27 November 2014


Debian Wheezy
Version:September 2014
Release date:2014-09-09
Default login:pi / raspberry
Kernel version:3.12
Release notes:Link

##烧录系统到 SD 卡

unzip 2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.zip

运行 df -h 命令查看当前哪些设备已经挂载,插入SD卡后,再次运行 df -h,找出两次运行区别。区别就是多出这两个:



umount /dev/sdb1 umount /dev/sdb5


$ sudo dd bs=4M if=2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb


$ ps aux | grep dd  //找出 dd 的pid
$sudo pkill -USR1 $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid  //pid 为 dd 的pid


完成之后,取出 SD 卡,插入树莓派,给树莓派接上网线和 USB 电源。


然后,在路由器上查看到 树莓派 被 DHCP 服务器 分配到 这样的一个 IP地址。 那就先 SSH登录 吧。

$ ssh -X  pi@ //密码raspberry, X是必须的,如果要运行图形界面

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ uname -a

    Linux raspberrypi 3.12.28+ #709 PREEMPT Mon Sep 8 15:28:00 BST 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux


pi@raspberrypi ~ $ raspi-config

###扩展 SD 卡上可用的空间


1 Expand Filesystem              Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the OS




3 Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment, Scratch, or the command-line



Desktop Log in as user 'pi' at the graphical desktop 



pi@raspberrypi ~ $ lsusb

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp. 
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. 
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter //网卡

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ lsmod

Module                  Size  Used by
snd_bcm2835            19584  0 
snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s     6202  0 
regmap_mmio             2818  1 snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s
snd_soc_core          127841  1 snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s
snd_compress            8259  1 snd_soc_core
regmap_i2c              1661  1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm_dmaengine       5505  1 snd_soc_core
regmap_spi              1913  1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm                83845  3 snd_bcm2835,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm_dmaengine
snd_page_alloc          5132  1 snd_pcm
snd_seq                55484  0 
snd_seq_device          6469  1 snd_seq
snd_timer              20998  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
leds_gpio               2079  0 
led_class               4118  1 leds_gpio
8192cu                550797  0 
snd                    62252  7 snd_bcm2835,snd_soc_core,snd_timer,snd_pcm,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_compress




pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ps aux | grep wpa

    pi        4162  0.0  0.1   3520   708 pts/0    S+   10:29   0:00 grep --color=auto wpa

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf 

    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf 

    rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
    ioctl[SIOCSIWAP]: Operation not permitted
    ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument
    ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ps aux | grep wpa

    root      4180  0.0  0.2   5968   916 ?        Ss   10:30   0:00 wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    pi        4182  0.0  0.1   3520   708 pts/0    S+   10:30   0:00 grep --color=auto wpa

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ wpa_cli

    wpa_cli v1.0
    Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi> and contributors

    This program is free software. You can distribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

    Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
    BSD license. See README and COPYING for more details.

    Could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying


pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo wpa_cli

    wpa_cli v1.0
    Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi> and contributors
    This program is free software. You can distribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

    Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
    BSD license. See README and COPYING for more details.

    Selected interface 'wlan0'

    Interactive mode

    > help
    status [verbose] = get current WPA/EAPOL/EAP status
    ping = pings wpa_supplicant
    relog = re-open log-file (allow rolling logs)
    note <text> = add a note to wpa_supplicant debug log
    mib = get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11)
    help = show this usage help
    interface [ifname] = show interfaces/select interface
    level <debug level> = change debug level
    license = show full wpa_cli license
    quit = exit wpa_cli
    set = set variables (shows list of variables when run without arguments)
    get <name> = get information
    logon = IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logon
    logoff = IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logoff
    pmksa = show PMKSA cache
    reassociate = force reassociation
    preauthenticate <BSSID> = force preauthentication
    identity <network id> <identity> = configure identity for an SSID
    password <network id> <password> = configure password for an SSID
    new_password <network id> <password> = change password for an SSID
    pin <network id> <pin> = configure pin for an SSID
    otp <network id> <password> = configure one-time-password for an SSID
    passphrase <network id> <passphrase> = configure private key passphrase
        for an SSID
    bssid <network id> <BSSID> = set preferred BSSID for an SSID
    blacklist <BSSID> = add a BSSID to the blacklist
    blacklist clear = clear the blacklist
    blacklist = display the blacklist
    log_level <level> [<timestamp>] = update the log level/timestamp
    log_level = display the current log level and log options
    list_networks = list configured networks
    select_network <network id> = select a network (disable others)
    enable_network <network id> = enable a network
    disable_network <network id> = disable a network
    add_network = add a network
    remove_network <network id> = remove a network
    set_network <network id> <variable> <value> = set network variables (shows
        list of variables when run without arguments)
    get_network <network id> <variable> = get network variables
    save_config = save the current configuration
    disconnect = disconnect and wait for reassociate/reconnect command before
    reconnect = like reassociate, but only takes effect if already disconnected
    scan = request new BSS scan
    scan_results = get latest scan results
    bss <<idx> | <bssid>> = get detailed scan result info
    get_capability <eap/pairwise/group/key_mgmt/proto/auth_alg> = get capabilies
    reconfigure = force wpa_supplicant to re-read its configuration file
    terminate = terminate wpa_supplicant
    interface_add <ifname> <confname> <driver> <ctrl_interface> <driver_param>
        <bridge_name> = adds new interface, all parameters but <ifname>
        are optional
    interface_remove <ifname> = removes the interface
    interface_list = list available interfaces
    ap_scan <value> = set ap_scan parameter
    scan_interval <value> = set scan_interval parameter (in seconds)
    bss_expire_age <value> = set BSS expiration age parameter
    bss_expire_count <value> = set BSS expiration scan count parameter
    stkstart <addr> = request STK negotiation with <addr>
    ft_ds <addr> = request over-the-DS FT with <addr>
    wps_pbc [BSSID] = start Wi-Fi Protected Setup: Push Button Configuration
    wps_pin <BSSID> [PIN] = start WPS PIN method (returns PIN, if not hardcoded)
    wps_check_pin <PIN> = verify PIN checksum
    wps_cancel Cancels the pending WPS operation
    wps_reg <BSSID> <AP PIN> = start WPS Registrar to configure an AP
    wps_ap_pin [params..] = enable/disable AP PIN
    wps_er_start [IP address] = start Wi-Fi Protected Setup External Registrar
    wps_er_stop = stop Wi-Fi Protected Setup External Registrar
    wps_er_pin <UUID> <PIN> = add an Enrollee PIN to External Registrar
    wps_er_pbc <UUID> = accept an Enrollee PBC using External Registrar
    wps_er_learn <UUID> <PIN> = learn AP configuration
    wps_er_set_config <UUID> <network id> = set AP configuration for enrolling
    wps_er_config <UUID> <PIN> <SSID> <auth> <encr> <key> = configure AP
    ibss_rsn <addr> = request RSN authentication with <addr> in IBSS
    suspend = notification of suspend/hibernate
    resume = notification of resume/thaw
    drop_sa = drop SA without deauth/disassoc (test command)
    roam <addr> = roam to the specified BSS
    fetch_anqp = fetch ANQP information for all APs
    stop_fetch_anqp = stop fetch_anqp operation
    interworking_select [auto] = perform Interworking network selection
    interworking_connect <BSSID> = connect using Interworking credentials
    anqp_get <addr> <info id>[,<info id>]... = request ANQP information
    sta_autoconnect <0/1> = disable/enable automatic reconnection
    tdls_discover <addr> = request TDLS discovery with <addr>
    tdls_setup <addr> = request TDLS setup with <addr>
    tdls_teardown <addr> = tear down TDLS with <addr>
    signal_poll = get signal parameters

    > scan
    > scan_results
    bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
    c4:a8:1d:e1:10:a6	2412	60	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	D-Link_HRSJ
    14:75:90:3c:6c:b0	2437	47	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	TP-LINK_ALEX
    9c:41:7c:7c:d2:a8	2412	100	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	HAME_R1_cd2a
    ac:72:89:c5:09:be	2412	100	[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	4#501
    d0:c7:c0:a7:e1:32	2412	48	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	ZhangYiBin
    28:2c:b2:db:df:4e	2462	47	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	ting269775
    50:9f:27:e2:01:64	2412	49	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	ChinaNet-E93m
    c8:3a:35:32:a2:a0	2442	44	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][ESS]	Tenda_32A2A0
    14:e6:e4:43:8f:a0	2452	42	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	TP-LINK_438FA0
    a8:15:4d:a2:a6:74	2437	29	[WPA-PSK-CCMP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]	bee
    > add_network 
    > set_network 0 ssid "4#501"
    > set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA2-PSK
    > set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK
    > set_network 0 psk "a1234567"
    > set_network 0 pairwise CCMP
    > set_network 0 group CCMP
    > set_network 0 proto RSN
    > enable_network 0
    > save_config 
    > quit


pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo ifdown wlan0 

    Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.2
    Copyright 2004-2011 Internet Systems Consortium.
    All rights reserved.
    For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/

    Listening on LPF/wlan0/e8:4e:06:20:2e:78
    Sending on   LPF/wlan0/e8:4e:06:20:2e:78
    Sending on   Socket/fallback
    DHCPRELEASE on wlan0 to port 67

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo ifup wlan0 

    wpa_supplicant: wpa-roam can only be used with the "manual" inet METHOD
    run-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wpasupplicant exited with return code 1
    Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.2
    Copyright 2004-2011 Internet Systems Consortium.
    All rights reserved.
    For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/

    Listening on LPF/wlan0/e8:4e:06:20:2e:78
    Sending on   LPF/wlan0/e8:4e:06:20:2e:78
    Sending on   Socket/fallback
    DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 8
    DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67
    DHCPOFFER from
    DHCPACK from
    bound to -- renewal in 3493 seconds.
    wpa_supplicant: wpa-roam can only be used with the "manual" inet METHOD
    run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/wpasupplicant exited with return code 1

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ifconfig wlan0 

    wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr e8:4e:06:20:2e:78
            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
            UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:29 errors:0 dropped:27 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
            RX bytes:4501 (4.3 KiB)  TX bytes:1316 (1.2 KiB)

###3G 上网(待验证)

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get install wvdial

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo wvdialconf




sudo wvdial &

可以看到拨号提示 获取ip和dns



pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get update



默认安装了 vnc-server,如果想用 rdesktop

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get install -y xrdp


  • 命令行

    pi@raspberrypi ~ $ rdesktop -u pi

  • 图形软件

直接用 Remmina Remote Desktop Client



pi@raspberrypi ~ $ wget http://www.linux-projects.org/listing/uv4l_repo/lrkey.asc && sudo apt-key add ./lrkey.asc

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ uv4l --port=9000  --user-password=user --enable-keepalive=yes 

$ vim /etc/apt/sources.list 增加如下行

    deb http://www.linux-projects.org/listing/uv4l_repo/raspbian/ wheezy main

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install uv4l uv4l-raspicam
$ sudo apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras
$ sudo service uv4l_raspicam restart
$ sudo apt-get install uv4l-server

$ uv4l --auto-video_nr --driver raspicam --encoding mjpeg --server-option '--port=9000' --server-option '--admin-password=password!'

这时在 firefox 中输入 http://raspberrypi:9000 可以看到有 config-panel 和 stream 可供选择,选择相应界面进入即可。

##通过网线直连 raspberry


在无线网卡上点击属性,选择共享,点击 ** 选择 本地网卡

arp -a


$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

$ sudo vi /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server

 改 INTERFACES="eth0″

$ sudo vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
$ sudo ifconfig eth0
$ sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart
$ cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
$ tcpdump -i eth0


Q: /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (zh_CN.utf8)

A: sudo localedef -v -c -i zh_CN -f UTF-8 zh_CN.UTF-8


树莓派实验室 UVL4 安装 UVL4 案例